Active Record Migrations
The third project I created for Flatiron School required me to learn about and use Active Record.
When I started my project, one of the most important skills I needed was to edit my database*. This is where Active Record Migrations came into play.
Each new migration I created, became a new version of my previous database.
I added new tables and deleted old ones, and added new columns.
After each update I took a glance at the schema to make sure I was satisfied, until finally, I had this:
Creating a new migration is simple.
For example, when I created the potions table, in the Terminal, I typed:
rake db:create_migration create_potion
It creates a blank migration where I can insert the columns and what data type goes into each of them as shown here:
Then, once you’re satisfied with your table, you type in the terminal
rake db:migrate
Which saves it to the schema and sets up your database.
Link to my project demo: