GitHub and why every techie (not just developers!) should use it

Tish Faroul
2 min readJul 28, 2022


What is GitHub?

GitHub is an open-source site that provides users with tools to manage their projects and documentation.

Developers can store and show off their code — and allow other users, from all over the world, to view and even improve on it.

Through it, you can share your code and collaborate on projects. The best part? It’s free 🤩

What else can you do with GitHub?

With the help of Git, their version control system, you can keep track of all of the changes you have made to your files.

  • This is especially helpful if you’re working on a project with a team and you want to see what everyone’s contributed.
  • You can connect GitHub to VSCode so you can push your project updates directly from the desktop app to GitHub.
  • Even if you’re working alone — if you may want to review previous versions of your project to make further improvements.

The code I wrote a year ago is drastically different from the code I’ve written today.

  • Merge different versions of your project into one.

Contribute to an open-source projects

  • Add code to other people’s projects, and even solve issues through pull requests.

You can host your portfolio on GitHub, as I did here

Sidenote: Check out this list of common Git commands every developer should know.

You can still use GitHub even if you aren’t a developer to:

Build your brand

All users can create a personal profile that gives visitors an overview of what you’re all about, what you’re working on, and how to reach you.

What mine looks like as of 7/28/22

Manage Projects

Even if you don’t code, you can still manage versions of your project files through GitHub and collaborate on the same docs with others.

  • You can also use it to make sure everyone stays on schedule.

Create Documentation

You can create Docs that educate others about different subjects, like this one on React and setting up Git.

✨✨✨And that’s it!


